Steve Wyles wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Sep 2008, Toni Panadès wrote:
>> The problem begins for me when I add a new artist: "Love Song
>> Surprise" artist
>> ( 
>> LSS it's a group where the main artist is Dennis White (AKA "Static
>> Revenger"), and in some places (and on the cover of the album) appears
>> as "Static Revenger presents Love Song Surprise". After contacting the
>> artist, he say me that this is a petition from her manager (to promote
>> the new name/artist), but the group is called only "Love Song
>> Surprise"
>> What you think? I need to put an alias for this artist, or I need to
>> change the name of the artist?
> I'm certain this has been covered in previous discussions, either on 
> the mailing list or the IRC channel.
> My understanding is:
> The current artist "Love Song Surprise" should stay exactly as named.
> It is probably worth adding "Static Revenger presents Love Song 
> Surprise" as an alias under "Love Song Surprise"
> Steve (inhouseuk)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yes, in almost all of these cases the B artist is the correct artist to 
file releases under. This is proving almost impossible to maintain over 
time though, as people continually add the full name citing artist 
intent. The DB now was hundreds of such bogus artists unfortunately.

There are some cases where it makes sense (i.e. A presents B was really 
a quasi-collaboration and persisted over some time) but most of the time 
it is just pure marketing of new artists and shouldn't be part of an 
artist name.

Chad / voiceinsideyou

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