Excellent :)


(But perhaps #3 should be qualified "For tracks lacking names, use UTS, 
which recommends..."?)

Bogdan Butnaru wrote:
> I don't much like adding something directly to a track that isn't in
> its original title (however lacking it is). Except for disc numbers,
> pretty much everything we add in title fields actually appears on some
> cover somewhere, even if it's adjusted for style issues.
> The only big exception that comes to me is untitled tracks, where it
> is allowed (maybe even encouraged) to use descriptive text between
> square brackets. Given this and the generally accepted typographical
> convention of using square brackets for editor-inserted information,
> I'm partial to the subdivision-in-brackets someone suggested above.
> And in the spirit of my previous suggestions, I think instead of
> pondering for weeks exactly what to put in parentheses we just figure
> out a few suggestions and leave it to the judgment of the editors.
> So my edited guidelines recommendation would go like this:
> * * * * *
> Rule 0) In general, common MusicBrainz guidelines apply to audiobooks
> too, unless they don't make sense. In particular:
> 1) if the audiobook's track names make sense, use them.
> 2) if the book's system matches the tracks reasonably, use that.
> 3) otherwise use UntitledTrackStyle, which recommends "[description]" tags.
> x) Note: if points (1) or (2) would lead to several tracks with the
> same name, you may also append a _brief_ distinguisher between square
> brackets. For consistency it is recommended that this distinguisher be
> just "[part #]", unless something in the book's or the tracks'
> structures makes more sense.
> y) Note: please observe general MB guidelines with regards to style:
> use CapitalizationStandard, and capitalize the words denoting parts
> (e.g. Chapter, Section, Part) in the _official_ part of the title
> (when applying guideline 1 or 2 above); according to
> UntitledTrackStyle, everything in the brackets should be lower-cased,
> unless it actually contains a proper name or title. Punctuation, typos
> and misspellings should be handled according to the usual
> StylePrinciples.
> Examples: ...
> * * * * *
> This gives the most common case a consistent look, and also allows
> editors to enter weird cases. We can add examples of such cases below
> the rules, as we encounter them.
> For instance, someone mentioned books broken in very short
> fixed-length interval: the brackets might contain the number of
> seconds or minutes from the beginning, which perfectly represents the
> logic of the track structure. Or if the split is based on some content
> logic, it could contain something like "[prologue]" and "[main part]"
> and "[epilogue]". If it's (say) a lecture of the Bible it might
> contain verse numbers. (Remember, this applies only if there are some
> "official" titles that make sense, but that are not enough to
> distinguish everything.) Note that the distinguishing part doesn't
> actually have to be a numerical sequence.
> Also note that not necessarily _all_ tracks that get the same name
> have to be distinguished. There are (music) artists that intentionally
> have several or all songs on a release identically titled (or not at
> all), and in many cases we just keep that as a sort of artist intent.
> This might make sense for some audiobooks too. And I'm pretty sure in
> time we'll get other examples we didn't think of.
> -- Bogdan Butnaru
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Brian Schweitzer <brian.brianschweit...@gmail.com>
>> Well, in that edge case, why not then hyphenate?
>> Track 12:
>> Chapter 2. The Russians are Coming, Part 1 - 1
>> Track 13:
>> Chapter 2. The Russians are Coming, Part 1 - 2
>> Track 14:
>> Chapter 2: The Russians are Coming, Part 1 - 3
>> Brian
>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 7:13 PM, Paul C. Bryan <em...@pbryan.net> wrote:
>>        I suppose then we can live with a chapter name having its own ",
>>        Part n"
>>        in MB? A contrived example:
>>        "Chapter 2. The Russians are Coming, Part 1"
>>        "Chapter 3. The Russians are Coming, Part 2"
>>        ... would appear in MB (if it spans multiple tracks) as...
>>        Track 12:
>>        Chapter 2. The Russians are Coming, Part 1, Part 1
>>        Track 13:
>>        Chapter 2. The Russians are Coming, Part 1, Part 2
>>        Track 14:
>>        Chapter 2: The Russians are Coming, Part 1, Part 3
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