let's not forget that last.fm scrobbles by 'artist' not by 'composer' unless
you're lucky enough to be using software that scrobbles by MBID

2009/1/19 Dave Smey <autod...@davesmey.com>

> On Mon, January 19, 2009 8:05 pm, Jason Longland wrote:
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> > Just curious with the classical styling guide as to why with the advent
> > of ID3v2 tagging you still force it to use the Composer as the Artists
> > when the newer ID3 tags all have the composer field available.
> Yeah, this comes up periodically.  I'd say that one big reason is that
> Artist=Composer is the way many of the active classical editors *like*
> recordings to be organized.  It mirrors the way record stores used to be
> organized (back in the olden days when people actually went to
> brick-and-mortar stores to browse for music.)
> And, "Composer" is still not supported by every piece of hardware I use.
> > After
> > all, would it not make more sense to use the Artist who actually
> > performed the track as the Artist so that media players can pick
> > everything up as being the same CD when you search for say San Francisco
> > Symphony Orchestra versus having to go through and look for a dozen
> > different composers?
> >
> As Aaron pointed out, in these situations (where multiple composers appear
> on one disc) the "Release Artist" is set to the performer.  Plus, you
> could always sort by album title if you are having a problem.
> However, aside from just making a redundant post, I wanted to assert my
> (slightly OT) idea for a Picard plug-in - a quick Artist-Switcher, for
> people who really would rather categorize a release under a performer.
> So, you select an album, hit the switcher, and it reads all the ARs,
> offering you big fat buttons that would switch out the Release Artist or
> all Track Artists for one of the AR'ed names.  Doesn't seem like it would
> be hard to make, and it would make performer-oriented people happy.
> - Dave Smey (bklynd)
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