Brian Schweitzer wrote:
> Perhaps also modify it, to handle the concerns that have been raised, so 
> it's something like this:
> --------------------
> Release Group is part of a series {{with / , the next volume in the 
> series is}} Release Group
> Attribute: [] Next
> --------------------

I don't quite see how valuable the AR-beetwen-Releases-or-RGs approach 
is as long as it cannot represent the name of the series. You would have 
to use the release annotation to note that some release is part of the 
"Columbia Jazz Masterpieces" as opposed to the "Columbia String Swing 
Masterpieces". And what if a release was part of two series, both the 
Summer Hits series and the DJ ÜberKool Remix series?

And surely one motivating factor for working on a series would be to 
have a page that would gradually become more complete and goodlooking as 
releases were added and where one could add interesting and geeky 
annotations? For releases-in-sets we already have that: ReleaseGroups 
(at least I hope they can get annotations when NGS comes). For series, 
there is no good way to say that

The series 'Opening Doors', is intended by Dausgaard and the Swedish 
Chamber Orchestra to explore "the limits of what a chamber orchestra is 
traditionally expected to perform" 

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