On Aug 5, 2010, at 12:56, Per Øyvind Øygard wrote:
> Couple problems. Many boxsets have discs of new/unreleased content. These  
> discs necessarily need to have boxset naming, and need to be linked to.  
> Linking "Johnny's Boxset Beats (disc 5: The Returnening)" as the next disc  
> for "Johnny Sings the Blues", seems rather odd to me.
> Also, individual releases will very often share release groups with  
> regional dupes, remasters etc. Can you really justify moving these to a  
> boxset group and not changing the name? Would it not make more sense to  
> make a dupe with boxset titling and link the discs together, so interested  
> parties can traverse the disc chains to get the whole boxset?
> Anyway, doesn't NGS solve this with per-release-event release titles (at  
> least so my testing indicates)? Ideally we should probably register  
> release/disc names seperately and have Picard construct the boxset names,  
> but yeah...

All good points; I hadn't considered the other uses of Release Groups as much.

I wasn't aware of the changes in NGS in this regard, but yes, that would appear 
to help considerably.

Thanks for your thoughts (you too, Paul!). :)


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