Alex Mauer wrote:
> On 06/20/2011 12:26 PM, Simon Reinhardt wrote:
>>  I'd like to see a couple of them added and there's also a general problem 
>> that many things can't be represented (e.g. a cardboard box containing a 
>> Digipak with two CDs in it and a Slim Jewel Case with a DVD in it).
>>  But I'm happy with doing them individually so that they don't depend on one 
>> another for the style process.
> I’d think we should probably divide them into a few RFCs so we don’t end
> up with 30 different RFCs each for one item.
> In particular, I think the following are obvious “Yes”s and could
> probably be RFCed together:
> * Slipcase
> * Box
> * None
> * Keep case

Not so obviously "yes" to me. Box is too general for me and Slipcase is usually 
something around a Jewel Case or Digipak so to me it's one of those problematic 
cases that I'd rather not touch without further thought into how we could 
represent this schema-wise (and if we want to at all).

Btw: Nikki compiled a page about packaging as well:

Obvious "yes"s for me would be:

J-card Case
Cardboard Sleeve
Plastic Sleeve
Keep Case
Super Jewel Box
"8cm Snap-Pack" in lack of a better name:

Don't know much about vinyl but there might be obvious ones there as well.


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