On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 00:33, Alex Mauer <ha...@hawkesnest.net> wrote:
> On 2011-07-07 16:17, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 19:19, Alex Mauer<ha...@hawkesnest.net>  wrote:
>>> I'll give it a shot:
>>> "No artist's Recordings tab should list the same title twice with no
>>> disambiguation comment. If an artist has multiple recordings with the
>>> same title, and any release on which one of them appears lists the title
>>> with no Extra Title Information, the disambiguation comment should use
>>> the most prevalent Extra Title Information. If no ETI is prevalent, pick
>>> one.  If no ETI is available, use the best information you have to
>>> disambiguate."
>> This doesn't sound all too crazy. By this standard, I think that
>> http://musicbrainz.org/edit/14779672 is correct but I'm not sure about
>> http://musicbrainz.org/edit/14779686 and
>> http://musicbrainz.org/edit/14779684
> Agreed.  I've cancelled the latter two.
>> Is it your intention that if a recording has been released on a crappy
>> compilation with ETI omitted which are on all releases closer to the
>> artist, that ETI still be left out of the recording title? How about a
>> compilation released by the artists own label? Making this kind of
>> distinction kind of tricky.
> Well, without concrete examples based on artists whose recordings have
> been fully cleaned up and merged it's a little hard to say for sure.
> The only artist I'm that confident of is Jonathan Coulton, and he
> doesn't have any weird compilations like you mention, so that doesn't
> help.  Also, I think the use cases for tagging from various combinations
> of (tracklist/recording/recording comment/work/work comment) are yet to
> be developed and we may need to wait for that before it can be said for
> sure whether this guideline works perfectly or needs some tweaking.



These are just cross-faded slightly different. "crickets and dogs" is
something I made up, since on the compilation cover there was no
indication that it is different. (I think it may even have the same


A similar situation, I had to make something up (“醬油又沒啦”版) just for


Again, "shorter cut" was something I had to pull out of my hat.


More of the same.

These are examples from a single artist that I spent time listening to
while cleaning up. This kind of situation is probably more common than
one would think.

I don't have examples of "crappy compilations", but assume there are
plenty of them.

Philip Jägenstedt

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