2011/10/28, Jim DeLaHunt <from.nab...@jdlh.com>:
> Hi, everyone:
> I would appreciate review and comments on RFC-339:  Partial Works
> Relationship Inheritance. The full proposal is at
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Proposal:Partial_Works_Relationship_Inheritance
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Proposal:Partial_Works_Relationship_Inheritance
> . Comments welcome at that Wiki page, or on its Talk page, or here in this
> thread.
> This RFC is open at least 7 days, until November 5 GMT or later.  I consider
> what I have there a first draft, and I'll want to polish the text at least
> before it becomes a solid RFC.
> Summary:
> I propose defining an inheritance of relationships between any two Works
> joined by a Parts Relationship Type. This makes explicit the logical
> consequence of the Parts Relationship Type's meaning: that one Work entity
> is a part of another Work entity. Any Relationship which in any of the
> Work-relatedRelationship Family has its meaning inherited (except Parts
> Relationship Type, that would be too recursive).
> This proposal is implemented by three changes:
> 1. Adding a new page Style/Work/Partial Works Relationship Inheritance, with
> the text below
> 2. Adding a stub entry (below) to Style/Work (presently empty) to point to
> Style/Work/Partial Works Relationship Inheritance
> 3. Adding text (below) to Parts Relationship Type, summarising and referring
> to Style/Work/Partial Works Relationship Inheritance
> Motivation
> The composer, and sometimes librettist and arranger, are hugely important
> pieces of metadata for classical, opera, and musical theatre music. It's why
> we refer to Beethoven's 9th Symphony, or Gilbert and Sullivan operettas.
> These compositions are frequently recorded many times by many different
> performers, so more than other genres of music it will be common to have
> many Recordings point to a single Musicbrainz Work entity. And these
> compositions are large and long enough that a) the the composer breaks them
> into smaller pieces (movements, acts, scenes, arias, numbers), and b)
> Releases frequently break the recorded performance into multiple Tracks of a
> Release. Hence, there's great value for MusicBrainz in having a way to store
> metadata about musical compositions in a tree structure, with a single Work
> entity to represent the entire composition, and child Work entities to
> represent the composer or the Release publishers divisions of that
> composition.
> The Parts Relationship Type provides a way to represent a musical
> composition in MusicBrainz as a tree structure. Right now it is the only
> relationship between a whole composition and a partial composition. In the
> future, other relationship types may be added, but for now, it's the only
> one. The Parts Relationship Type description is silent about what meaning a
> relationship with the Work at one end of the Parts relationship has for the
> Work at the other end.
> At the same time, it's important to be clear to which Work entities Advanced
> Relationships like Composer and Librettist should be attached. In the past,
> there has been similar confusion about when Release-Artist relationship
> types should be used, when Track-Artist, for roles like Performer and
> Producer. This led to an extensive debate in 2007-2008; the tip of this
> iceberg can be seen at Talk:Artist Role Inheritance. Work entities are
> something of a blank slate. We should state principles now, before there are
> too many confounding entires in the database.
> Behind these reasons lurks a larger one. MusicBrainz ability to handle
> metadata for classical and opera works is hindered by the complexity of the
> cultural traditions for naming these compositions, and naming the Tracks and
> Releases of them. This is what has driven the Classical Style Guide to
> become such a snarl. I believe that the Works entity will likely be a part
> of the solution to this problem. While we don't know what form that solution
> will take, it's pretty clear to me that having tree-structured Works
> entities, and knowing who the Composer is, will be an important part. This
> proposal is hopefully a brick which will become a small part of the bridge
> to a better classical music and opera experience in MusicBrainz.
> Comments welcome!

What about cadenzas? How would we handle them. Note that AFAIK we
don't handle them very well currently :-) But would your suggestion
make things worse or better?

You don't seem to suggest physically storing this information in each
movement, which means that if I search for all tracks composed by
Bach, the database would have actually to search all Tracks related to
Works (through recordings) composed by Bach or to Works being a
subwork of a Work by Bach. And the inheritance would be at least 4
levels deep (Wagner's cycle containing operas containing acts
containing scenes). I don't know if the MB database would be able to
implement this level of search in a reasonable time. Even if it did,
adding this complexity would be a burden for the server. Would this
burden be low enough to be acceptable?

I agree that such a system would make input both intuitive and
user-friendly, though.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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