2011/10/30 Jim DeLaHunt <from.nab...@jdlh.com>

> Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
> >
> > I believe that as Calvin pointed out, simply applying this idea to the
> > data
> > would make the data partially unusable. OTOH, very few users would be
> > willing to enter the level of data duplication which would be needed, so
> > that the data quality in classical music would become very poor because
> > too
> > many useful AR duplications would not be entered.
> >
> Let me highlight the words "would become very poor". That seems to imply
> that the data quality -- of Works entities with Parts relationships, and
> Relationships on those entities, that's the topic here -- is good now.  I
> believe that the number of Works entities with both sub-parts and
> Relationships is quite small. This is because the editing tools for
> multi-part Works and Relationships are very poor. I entered just the child
> Works for one opera, and it was a very long and tedious process.
> Is there a way to measure how good the data is?  For instance, do we have a
> count of how many Works have both multiple levels using the Parts
> Relationship, and have Relationships for things like composer?  I looked
> for
> a way to test this using MB Search, and
> http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Text_Search_Syntax, but I couldn't find a way
> to
> looks for Relationships.
> I argue that the data quality, i.e. the number and importance of
> Relationships on Works entities which also have Parts Relationships, is
> poor
> in the MusicBrainz database right now. I base this on perceptions, not
> facts. Can anyone cite facts, search results, etc., to prove otherwise?  If
> we have no proof that the data quality is currently good, then RFC-339 will
> either have no effect, or will make bad data bad in a different way.
> I believe the data quality here will remain poor until we have better
> editing tools, and we have to make design choices like RFC-339 before the
> editing tools can improve. RFC-339 won't improve the data greatly. It will
> just be a brick in the bridge leading to better data. We need many other
> bricks also.

You are right, I should have said this with better words. First "poor" was
a bad word, I should have used "incomplete". What I meant is that ARs would
not be entered consistently in the work trees, so that searches would give
inconsistent results.

Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
> >
> > There is a discrepancy between making input user-friendly and keeping the
> > data retrieval efficient...
> >
> I agree. A "distinction" might be an even better word than "discrepancy",
> but I understand your meaning.

Well, there is probably a better word than "discrepancy", but what I meant
was definitely stronger than "distinction". The first word which came to my
French mind was "hiatus".

Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
> >
> > I believe that since data retrieval is after all
> > the justification of data entry, then the database should physically make
> > retrieval as efficient as possible, which means that ARs should be
> > duplicated.
> >
> As a software engineer, I do not completely agree with this statement.  The
> database should physically make retrieval efficient /enough/ to accomplish
> its purpose. But design is about tradeoffs, and efficiency is not the only
> factor we are trying to balance. Once the retrieval is efficient enough,
> then other factors -- like data consistency and clarity of meaning --
> should
> get greater weight.

Of course, but my whole argument came from my feeling (which I would be
completely unable to sustain, it is only a feeling) that using such
recursive searches would have a price which would be too heavy. I may be
wrong, especially since this would mainly concern classical works which is
only a small subset of MB's data.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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