Lukáš Lalinský <>

> Hi,
> This discussion is a little off-topic here, but I can't think of a
> better group of active MB users to discuss a feature like this.
> I'd like MB to have some support for genres. This was apparently
> discussed at the last MB summit, but I don't know details about that.

I'll try and provide some details about what we talked about in the

Firstly, people want genre support. I know there are people that think
it doesn't fit in with MusicBrainz, but people *do* want it, so it's
something we at least need to have a stab at even if we don't ever
implement it.

One solution that was discussed at the summit is the introduction of a
specific 'genre' field. This is basically the same as tags, but will be
explicitly labelled as 'genre', will feature autocompletion, and will be
pre-seeded with a collection of known genres. FreeBase have offered that
to us, and we also have the option of using Wikipedia's list. There are
other options too.

The difference with tagging is that there would also be a way for people
to show their agreement with a genre classification. A "+1" type button,
for each genre tag, if you will. The idea here then being that anyone is
welcome to contribute genres, and that the the most significant genre
will bubble to the top with the whole +1 thing.

I have mentioned before that it would be nice to have the idea of
canonical tags, and I think this ties in really nicely with the system
you propose.

> The idea for now is just to define the genre lists and relations
> between them. It does not deal with the problem of assigning entities
> like artists to genres (I think that SoundUnwound has a nice solution
> to this though). My idea is to add the concept of genres to
> MusicBrainz, make it editable by users, linkable to other genres and
> URLs. That way we can define genre trees. Then I'd like for each genre
> to have a list of tags that the genre can appear as. This can be used
> for autocompleting genres when adding tags, and whitelisting tags in
> applications like Picard (it can be used to whitelist tags also from
> other sources, like

I think what I'm about to say is just echonging you, but nonetheless -
here's a proposal that melds the 2 prior proposals together.

Firstly, we ditch the separation between 'genres' and 'tags', unifying
them in one display. We improve the tagging interface with clear tag
separators (I'm partial to tag bubbles, personally). Each tag on an
entity also has some sort of button which allows the user to 'vote
agreement' with a tag - but rather than having some separator system
here, it simply means the user wants to apply that tag themselves too.

Next, we have genre entities, which make up a genre graph - each edge
can identify some type of relationship between genres, in order to
capture ideas of 'encompasses', 'envolved from', 'takes influences'
from, etc. With a better - and hopefully more visible and active -
tagging system, we get more tags, so users can associate a tag with a
genre node.

I think this is pretty much, if not exactly what you are proposing, and
if so I'd be in agreement with you :) The only thing that worries me is
that the genre entities themselves will need to be edited, and this is
good to be very difficult to curate, because it's very fuzzy, and very
subjective. I can certainly picture editing wars... "NO! Jungle is NOT
drum & bass, do not merge them!"

> Does any of this make sense? Do you think it's a good idea?

Yes and yes :)

- Ollie

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