On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 7:28 PM, caller#6
<meatbyproduct-musicbra...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> as discussed recently[1], there are a few problems with the logic of
> sort names.
> I'd like to identify them before starting in on a guideline revision.

I haven't read all of the previous thread(s) on this topic so I'm not
sure what kind of solution you're consider, but if you're looking for
problems, Chinese artists have them. For Chinese, the sort name is in
fact "Latin-script name with added commas" and is not at all useful
for sorting. I have to set up Picard to use the artist name as the
sort name, since Unicode order at least keeps similarly named artists
together. Examples:

These 3 artists with the same family name (周) end up in 3 different
places because of the different romanization systems used on the
mainland, in Taiwan and in Hong Kong:

周杰倫 Chou, Jay
周潤發 Chow, Yun-Fat
周迅 Zhou, Xun

Here's a sample of groups with "random" sort order:

水木年华 Age of Water and Wood
壞女兒 Bad Daughter
黑名單工作室 Black List Studio
董事長樂團 Chairman
冷血动物 Cold Blooded Animal
冷酷仙境 Cold Fairyland
可米小子 Comic Boyz
深白色2人組 Deep White
飛輪海 Fahrenheit
鐵竹堂 Iron Bamboo
五月天 Mayday
南拳媽媽 Nan Quan Mama
自然捲 Natural Q
新裤子 New Pants
團契遊樂園 Playground
動力火車 Power Station
果味VC Super VC
超级市场 Supermarket
女子十二乐坊 Twelve Girls Band

I image that any non-Latin script would have the same problems, at
least those with multiple romanization systems or where the
romanization does not produce the correct order anyway.

Philip Jägenstedt

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