On 06/07/2012 05:55 PM, Ryan Torchia wrote:
> Huh, I've never seen that before -- is there an example somewhere?  I've
> seen sides labeled A / AA, "This Side" / "That Side", and even "Sunny
> Side Up" / "Over Easy" , but never just re-lettered like that. 
> (Speaking of which, what about sides that are labeled unconventionally
> with more than just letters?)

Here are the purposes I have in mind for this guideline:

First, avoid the need for a delimiter between the side designator and
the track designator, because there is no particularly good,
non-confusing delimiter that could be used. Use of delimiters should be
reserved for more unusual cases (e.g. sub-tracks and alternate audio),
not required for the common case. We really don’t want our most common
track numbers to start looking like modem line noise — “2/7.2#5” is
*not* a readable track number, and should be extremely rare (5th audio
option of chapter 2 of title 7 of the second side a DVD?). Not that
B7.2#5 is much better, but every little bit counts. :-)

Second, enable editors to enter side information without actually seeing
a copy of the release. If I know that tracks 1-4 were on the first side,
I should be able to enter that without having to track down a picture of
the thing to know whether the first side is called “A”, “1”, or “play
this side first, if you please; the other side is the one that should be
played second”

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