I neglected to add an issue for this:

This RFC (now) expires on Jun 08 2013

On 27 June 2013 15:26, Alastair Porter <alastair.por...@upf.edu> wrote:

> As part of the CompMusic project [1] we are gathering together music and
> associated metadata for a wide range of musical styles.
> One style we are working with is Turkish Makam music. The majority of
> compositions performed in this tradition are historical and passed down
> orally from master to student. We have been in contact with a local
> musician who has transcribed a large number of these traditional
> compositions [2]. We have a large number of releases and compositions that
> we would like to link to scores [3].
> We have obtained permission from the musician to link to his
> transcriptions. We would like to propose adding neyzen.com to the score
> whitelist.
> [1]: http://compmusic.upf.edu
> [2]: http://www.neyzen.com/ney_den_saz_eserleri.htm
> [3]:
> http://musicbrainz.org/collection/5bfb724f-7e74-45fe-9beb-3e3bdb1a119e
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