At 10:44 PM 6/1/00 +0300, you wrote:

>You can either make a macro that picks the first postponed email from
>the postponed menu and sends that, or make a macro which you can use
>once you're in the postponed menu ("recall which message?") to send the
>currently selected message immediately.  This latter would probably be
>more useful.  The macro should do something like:
>  :set editor=/bin/true<enter><select-message><send-message>:set editor=vi<enter>
>(that's completely untested, but something along those lines...)

This way it works (just in case someone else encountered the same problem):

# 'G' like Go
macro index G ":set editor="/bin/true"<Return>R:set editor="vim"<Return>"

Thanks a lot for the tip (I totally ignored the command /bin/true),


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