Quoting David T-G (Tue Apr  9 13:05:39 CEST 2002)

> If you *really* want to send a message to mutt-users and have it happily
> appear in your compressed folder, have your fcc-save-hook write to '^'
> after applying Byrial's current_shortcut patch; the message will end up
> in the temp file, and upon exit mutt will see that and use the close-hook
> to put the temp file back in place as the real file.  [BTW, I bet that
> even though your message to mutt-users shows up the message to which
> you're replying never shows up with an 'r', right?]

Done that. Thx. You're probably right, there is only one r flag in thæt
mailbox, and it's dated just before applying the compressed patch.

> % I did a backup of the full mail tree. Just in case ;)

> That's a good idea if you're delivering into that compressed folder.

Mmm... It sounds like I'm going to have a mutt-users and a mutt-users.gz in
~/mail/lists/inet-tech/mail, and in another 30 lists, which will break one
advantage of the current setup, where I've direct access to the mail-bag of
each list, while I'm reading new messages in that list... or perhaps I
should forget about that patch <grin> and look forward to an ext3 filesystem
for my mail tree.

I was still thinking of a way to make it work my way, but you mention about
another problem which I haven't thought of. Locks... I would be in a hurry
if procmail receives mail for the list I'm currently reading, but this could
be fixed stoping fetchmail as daemon, and running it manually (losing a
great feature).

Rafael C. Gawenda, rgawenda/at/pobox/dot/com
2:348/610@fidonet; GnuPG key: 0x5C4839A5; Registered LiNUX User #93375
The three most dangerous things are a programmer with a hammer, a hardware
tech with a software patch and a user with an idea.

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