> Michael --
> ...and then Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek said...
> % 
> ...
> % Thank you for your responses. If I understand what you are writing, you
> % all advise me to swich from browsing local folders by defalt to browsing
> % remote folders by default. 
> At least when you want to look at remote folders, anyway.
> % That differs from the behavior I'd like to achieve. I want mutt to show
> % the tree in which the folder that is currently open can be located so
> % that I can select its sibling or subfolder. Writing the whole URL is
> Fair enough.
> % quite a bit of typing, thus I do not consider this an easy way.
> % I set up mailboxes to point to all my accounts following another
> % advice to get easy access to all of them using c<tab><tab>.
> I would recommend a couple of macros which reset $folder so that you can
> quickly change from local to remote and back.

This is what I set up:

set spoolfile="$HOME/Mail"
set mbox_type=Maildir
set record=$HOME/Mail/Sent

account-hook . unset imap_user imap_force_ssl
folder-hook . set [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
account-hook artax set imap_force_ssl=yes imap_user=msuc8339
folder-hook artax set [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
account-hook dec59 set imap_force_ssl=no imap_user=suchanek 
folder-hook dec59 set [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

macro index \Csa ":set folder=imaps://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/mail<return>c?"
macro index \Csu ":set folder=imap://dec59.ruk.cuni.cz<return>c?"
macro index \Csl ":unset folder<return>c?"

It doesnt work. You can switch to an imap account but once there you
can't switch anywhere else. I tried folder=~/Mail for local first but it
makes no difference.  
Another problem is I lose the checking for new mail.
Note I had to specify imaps: manually, otherwise I had to login twice.

        Michal Suchanek

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