On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 11:05:31AM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:
> > > It's a little awkward, but you can do this with w3m.  If you use 'M'
> > > instead of Enter to follow a link, w3m will invoke an external browser
> > > to view the link.  You can define this browser in the "External Browser"
> > > entry in the Option Setting Panel ('o').
> > 
> > lynx (and I assume links) support external browsers as well.  But it's
> > not clear from the description what/why w3m or lynx were not able to
> > satisfy his needs.
> True.  I did assume that "alot of the links do not display at all in w3m
> and lynx" followed by the question about others finding "console-based
> options to be satisfactory" meant that the pages to which those links
> referred did not render well in a text browser.  I suppose I should have
> stated that assumption in my reply.

In my admittedly limited experience with text browsers,
alot of the links came up with unhelpful results like like
just "Frame 1" and "Frame 2", or exited with an error message
before showing anything.  One could curse those Web editors for
making such unfriendly pages, but there are alot of pages like
that out there and I guess we have to live with them.  I'd be
willing to stick it out with text browsers and workarounds
if I knew that others really do live with them comfortably.

In contrast, the one thing I did like about Netscape mail
back when I was using it was that it would recognize the URLs
in plain-text mail and make them clickable, so you could
immediately call up the Web page and see it the way it was
intended to be seen.  I could never go back to Netscape
mail for other reasons, but this seems like the sort of
functionality that one shouldn't have to sacrifice under mutt.


Dr. Thomas Baker                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven          mobile +49-171-408-5784
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft                          work +49-30-8109-9027
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany                    fax +49-2241-144-1408

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