On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 02:52:13PM +0200, Rocco Rutte wrote:
> Hi,
> * Chris Green [02-10-11 14:15:06 +0200] wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 01:41:18PM +0200, Rocco Rutte wrote:
> [...]
> > > Use a macro to ``redefine'' saving:
> > >   macro pager s "push '$youraction<save-message>'"
> > OK, that solves the problem partly but then I need an answer to my
> > second request - how can I tell $youraction the path and filename
> > where save-message saves my message?
> That comes after ``<save-message>'' because it'll leed to a
> the usual prompt. You can either type it or do something
> like:
>    macro pager s "push '$youraction<save-message>~/mbox<enter>'"
> ...which will save the message without interaction. Skip the
> part after ``<save-message>'' to get the prompt.
> I only introduced $youraction because you asked for a way to
> run arbitrary commands when saving a message.
I don't think you've quite understood what I want to do (and/or I
haven't explained it well!).

I want to run <save-message> and be allowed to navigate in the usual
fashion to the directory/mailbox where I want to save the message (by
entering '?').  Then when I save the message (doesn't matter if it's
before or after really) I want to execute $youraction and somehow pass
to $youraction what directory/mailbox the message is being saved to.

It's a pretty standard facility with macros in most programs to be
able to access variables from the 'parent' program.


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