On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 02:05:55PM -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Anton Shterenlikht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [06-27-08 11:59]:
> > 
> yes, I didn't notice that you were still using
>    User-Agent: Mutt/
>   6.3.205.  smart_wrap
>   Type: boolean
>   Default: yes
>   Controls the display of lines longer then the screen width in the
>   internal pager. If set, long lines are wrapped at a word boundary.
>   If unset, lines are simply wrapped at the screen edge. Also see the
>   ``$markers'''' variable.
> IF this does not resolve your problem, I guess an upgrade is in order.
> I would say that an upgrade *should* be made in any circumstance.

But that is in pager. I get text wrapping in the pager fine. And yes,
I can use "smart_wrap" and "markers" for a clearere wrapping display.

HOwever, I can't wrap the input fields either during inputting, or after
<enter> in the message sending interface.

I tend not to use the development branch, and stick to stable, but
I'll see if mutt-devel will be able to solve this problem.
I'll report back.

many thanks

Anton Shterenlikht
Room 2.6, Queen's Building
Mech Eng Dept
Bristol University
University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK
Tel: +44 (0)117 928 8233 
Fax: +44 (0)117 929 4423

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