[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/30/2005 11:59:43 AM:

> news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 30/06/2005 16:47:43:
> > I'm designing a simple family tree db which is at present just a flat 
> table
> > In which each record everyone has a father & mother, a variable 
> > number of wives,and variable number
> > of children.
> > The links to other family tree members is always the record_id of 
> > another record.
> > 
> > At present I'm manually inserting the "links" eg my father is 
> > record_id 52, my mother recordid 60 my
> > children records 100,101,102
> > 
> > I can write queries to display everyone's father mother children etc
> > no problem.
> > 
> > * But My question is 
> > 
> > Is it possible/useful to define any sort of relationships/linking 
> > the wife/father/mother/children
> > fields and the recordid of other records
> > 
> >  I'm fogging on this, your advice pls
> This is a link, previously recommended on this list, which I have found 
> very useful:
> http://www.sitepoint.com/article/hierarchical-data-database
> Alec

I agree with Alec. Why try to flatten a tree when you don't need to? 
However, you are going to need to expand on that article to make it fit 
into a genealogy application. (more on that in a sec)

To answer your question about storing the "relationship" information I 
would give a qualified "yes" as you only need to distinguish between 
parent-child relationships (births and adoptions) and same-level 
relationships (marriages) and when they existed (emancipated minors, 
placed for adoption, marriage, or divorce). I didn't say anything about 
sibling relationships (brothers, sisters), aunts/uncles, or cousins. Those 
are "relationships" based on relative positions in the tree and don't 
necessarily require that a direct linkage between any two people to exist. 
What relationship someone is to someone else is related to how you 
navigate from one person node to another: PersonA is a first cousin to 
PersonB if you navigate from A to B along the following path:

Move up two levels (grandparents) then down to a node not already visited 
(you would now be at a sibling node to one of PersonA's parents, an Aunt 
or Uncle). Move down one more level.

Here is another. PersonB is the sister-in law of PersonA if you can 
navigate either of the following paths from A to B:

Change nodes laterally through a marriage (the spouse of A). Move up one 
level. Move down one level to a female node. You would now be at the 
sister of A's spouse.
-- or --
Move up one level (a parent of A). Move down one level to any node other 
than PersonA( a sibling). Move laterally by marriage to a female node. Now 
you are at the wife of a sibling to A.

If you wanted to try to avoid the UP-DOWN navigation required to locate to 
a sibling, I think that including that direct linkage in your tree could 
get messy. What if a family had 8 children. That means that (worst case) 
each of the 8 children would need an entry "sibling-linking" them to each 
of the other 7. That's 56 additional records to avoid one up-link 
navigation and a conditional down-link navigation.  The "sibling" links 
would probably mean faster lookups (like an index) but they would 
definitely add more data overhead (also like an index). It's your call.

The major complexity with making a true family tree isn't in the 
down-links or the side-links, it's in navigating both up and down the tree 
starting from a single person (2 parents, 2 sets of grandparents (and 
their descendants), 4 sets of great-grandparents(and their descendants), 
etc) that turns this kind of relationship database from a single tree into 
multiple sets of interlocking trees (especially if you have cousins that 
marry each other). Odds are your database will need to be less 
tree-oriented and more network-oriented . The article is a great place to 
start (I very highly recommend it, too) but you are going to find the need 
to quickly expand your single tree into a network (someone help me here. I 
know that may not be the "correct" term for what he is modeling but it's 
the closest name I can think of) and that will probably change your node 
numbering algorithms (read the article) in significant ways. Still, start 
with the tree so that you get used to thinking in terms of nodes and 
links. It's going to work loads better than the flat design you have now.

I will do some research (it's related to what I need for my job anyway) 
about storing and modeling networks in relational databases and reply 
again with links when I find some good ones (may not be today). Does 
anyone else already have links on this topic?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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