Cover the basics first by looking at the SHOW STATUS results. You shold make yourself familiar with what these variables are telling you. It'll help in determining your bottleneck.

Right of the bat, look at the Threads_created number, if it's really high you should change the thread_cache_size variable. You can look at the Threads_connected value to get an idea how high to set it (higher).

If your Opened_tables number is high, you want to increase your table_cache 

Otherwise it's a pretty open ended question you are asking. If this is something you are serious about, you may want to buy a book like High Performance MySQL (I think that's the name). I've read chapters of it online (O'Reilly bookshelf) and there was some interesting stuff. Like how Yahoo solved one of there performance problems.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Willy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:23 PM
Subject: Tuning High Loads MySQL Server

I have a MySQL 4.x installed, and I have a very high requests on this server, it's about 10000 - 50000 requests/minutes. Any tips to tuning it? Many thanks for any replies.



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