Dear all,

I'm presently trying to import the full wikipedia dump for one of our research users. Unsurprisingly it's a massive import file (2.7T)

Most of the data is importing into a single MyISAM table which has an id field and a blob field. There are no constraints / indexes on this table. We're using an XFS filesystem.

The import starts of quickly but gets increasingly slower as it progresses, starting off at about 60 G per hour but now the MyISAM table is ~1TB it's slowed to a load of about 5G per hour. At this rate the import will not finish for a considerable time, if at all.

Can anyone suggest to me why this is happening and if there's a way to improve performance. If there's a more suitable list to discuss this, please let me know.



Dr Simon Collins
Data Grid Consultant
National Grid Service
University of Manchester
Research Computing Services
Kilburn Building
Oxford Road
M13 9PL

Tel 0161 275 0604

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