I have been trying to compute query cache utilization in mysql 5 but cannot
because the com_select status variable is always 1 when I start a new mysql
session.  This probably holds for all the com_* variables and maybe others,
but I've only been working with com_select.  They're supposed to be
cumulative and reset only when you explicitly reset status or bounce the

Here's an example, showing the tail end of a test mysql session showing the
value of com_select when I exited, and the value a few seconds later when I
began a new mysql session.  This was on my own test server, no one else was
on to reset status.  It repeats every time I try it:


mysql> show status like 'com_select';
show status like 'com_select'

| Variable_name | Value |
| Com_select    | 4     |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> quit

> mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 94774
Server version: 5.0.45-community-log MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Reading history-file /home/jlyons/.mysql_history
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> show status like 'com_select';
show status like 'com_select'

| Variable_name | Value |
| Com_select    | 1     |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)



Note how com_select is 4 in the first session, then is reset to 1.  I tried
this on Linux RHEL, Linux RH 5 community (as shown here) and a Windows mysql
5 platform.  Heres' the script I ran:

drop table if exists t;
create table t (x serial);
# put some data in
insert into t values (null);
insert into t values (null);
insert into t values (null);
insert into t values (null);
# create some selects
select * from t where x = 1;
select * from t where x = 2;
select * from t where x = 3;
select * from t where x = 4;
select * from t where x = 1;
select * from t where x = 1;
select * from t where x = 1;
select * from t where x = 1;
select * from t where x = 1;
select * from t where x = 1;

show status like 'qcache_hits';
show status like 'com_select';

When I ran the same script on a Windows mysql 4 version, the value of
com_select persisted over the login, which is what it should.

Is this a bug in mysql 5?  Is something set incorrectly in my config file
that would cause this (I can't find anything)?

Thanks for any help.

Jim Lyons
Web developer / Database administrator

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