At 15:26 -0400 4/18/04, Stormblade wrote:
Thanks for the explaination. Heh I should have realized that. varchars are
probably implemented as null terminated strings and so they need an extra
byte for the terminating char (Null or otherwise).

They're stored as a length byte + string contents.

Yeah it's definitely doing me a favor as my reason for varchar was space. So what happens if I store a single char in a field of char(2)? Does it get autofilled then? I saw an option for this so do I have to specify that this field should get autofilled?

The answer to this is to do what you indicate you already know that you should do in the next sentence. :-) Spending some time in the column types chapter will give you some useful background.

I'm definitely gonna have to read that manual you gave me the link to I see. That default thing means I'm gonna have to re-do all the SQL in that application. *sigh* I just knew I would. I fought a good fight I guess.

On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 15:03:18 -0400, Michael Stassen wrote:

 In MySQL, the only practical difference between a CHAR and a VARCHAR is how
 it is stored.  CHARs are fixed-length, so they are fast but can waste space.
   VARCHARs are variable length, so they are slow but (usually) save space.
 That's the key here -- the only advantage to a varchar is the space savings.
   But, each varchar takes one more byte than the length of the string in
 order to store the length.  When your column is less than 4 characters, that
 extra byte makes a significant dent in your space savings, thus removing the
 sole advantage of varchar over char.  For example, it takes 2 bytes to store
 a CHAR(2) and 1 to 3 bytes to store a VARCHAR(2).  MySQL is trying to do you
 a favor by changing your column.  Whether you agree it's done you a favor or
 not seems to be a matter of opinion.

 You should definitely read the "Silent Column Specification Changes"
 <> section of
 the manual.


-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior) Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)

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