Dear NANOGers,

I'd like to get a sense of how much ISPs care about different types of
traffic engineering (at the routing level): 

   - multiple-paths between selected nodes
   - different (previleged) routing for specific traffic classes
   - traffic trunking and mapping to routing (eg: through MPLS)
   - OSPF/IS-IS parameter tweaking(i.e. link weights) for TE purposes
   - Dont care at all: use plain OSPF/IS-IS

   - Hot potato/cold potato routing
   - Inbound load balancing (between peering links)
   - Inbound load balancing (between transit links or a mix of peering/transit)
   - Outbound load balancing (between peering links)
   - Outbound load balancing (between transit links or a mix of peering/transit)
   - Dont care about TE

Are there other important categories of TE missed above?


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