On Wed, 1 May 2002, Pete Kruckenberg wrote:

> On Thu, 2 May 2002, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
> >> SYN packet comes in, one of these machines responses with a
> >> RST to the "source", which is actually the target of the
> >
> > You have an interesting situation. I think rate limiting
> > outbound RSTs would be the least offensive thing you
> > could do, off the top of my head.
> What about just blocking out-going RSTs altogether from our
> borders? While this interferes with "proper" TCP
> functionality, would it actually interfere enough to cause
> noticeable problems? Would certainly be less of a burden on
> routers than rate-limiting.

Aren't the initial packets in the 'gibson syn amp attack' syn-ack's?

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