On Sat, May 04, 2002 at 07:22:35PM -0500, Eric A. Hall wrote:
> > Ask people in those states which have anti-spam laws how many fewer
> > spam messages they receive than before.
> Although responding to this message puts me back to -$.04, I will point
> out that the junk fax law worked pretty well. It didn't take long for
> people to get the point that they shouldn't be faxing lunchroom menus to
> everybody in their area code.

Faxes are a little bit easier to trace than email.

The bottom line is, spamming makes money. People don't spam because they
think that maybe it might work, they spam because it gets responses and it
makes them money. Maybe one really stupid person gets prosecuted on an
anti-spam law once, but it doesn't seem to be making much of an impact. If
you beheaded 10 spammers on primetime TV I really don't think they would
stop. Spamming will stop when it stops being effective.

That said, I'm pretty sure this thread has now excercised my D key more 
then a month's supply of spam. Isn't it about time we called it a day, or 
perhaps moved this to a list more appropriate for complaining and sending 
email about people sending email. :)

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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