On Sat, May 11, 2002 at 02:17:59AM +0200, Paul Wouters wrote:
> On Fri, 10 May 2002, Adam McKenna wrote:
> > They've begun making the templates harder and harder to find.  I don't know
> > if this is on purpose (although I suspect it is).
> Ofcourse it is. Only ask the admin-c (clueless client) for approval to
> transfer (not the tech-c, whose email address actually works and who is
> in fact moving the domain) and you're almost guaranteed that the transfer
> request will fail to deliver. If it does deliver, make it hard by needing 
> a reply within 96 hours. Also, "losing" a few emails, like a modify for
> the admin-c by the tech-c if the expire date of the domain is only a week
> away works wonders too.

It's nice not having to deal with that BS anymore.  All of my domains are in
OpenSRS, and for the ones that aren't I let the customers manage themselves.

It usually doesn't take much convincing to get them to switch, especially at
a savings of $27 per year.


Adam McKenna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   | GPG: 17A4 11F7 5E7E C2E7 08AA
http://flounder.net/publickey.html |      38B0 05D0 8BF7 2C6D 110A

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