Hey now, leave joe's garage out of this and stick to church oriented 
activities.  While your at it have a donut.

<now does that give away my age heh>
On Wed, 22 May 2002, Rowland, 
Alan  D wrote:

> While the effectiveness of degree requirements may be argued, they are
> efficient. When your HR department gets hundreds or thousands of
> applications, they need some way to find the wheat.
> The net sector is young and was mostly immune to traditional business
> practices. Not all traditional business practices are bad (see dot.bomb).
> Lack of business acumen means the days of six figure income and significant
> stock options because there were 10 job openings for every geek who could
> RTFM are over. Even though the "job market is coming back" there's still 20
> 'techies' in Birkenstocks and Star Wars t-shirts for every (decent) job
> hiring. Everything else being equal (which is often the case) a cert or
> degree is a great tie-breaker.
> Welcome to the traditional job market fellow geeks. Remember all the jokes
> about Sanitation Engineers? ;)
> Put another way, when you take that expensive car of yours in for service
> (you do have one if you're successful in this industry, right? ;) ), do you
> go to Joe's Garage (apologies to all named Joe) or a dealer/service center
> with "certified" mechanics?
> Just my 2¢. The delete key is your friend.
> Best regards,
> _________________________________________
> Alan Rowland
> (BS in Business and Management, UofM, 1990
> "no warranty expressed or implied, use at 
> your own risk, may be terminated at any 
> time without notice"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher J. Wolff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 11:16 AM
> Subject: Certification or College degrees? Was: RE: list problems?
> I would add to that statement:  Requiring a technology certification is
> equally as obsurd.  I've been told I could pass the Emperor-Level CCIE
> test; however, I do not believe it will add more value for my customers.
> Regards,
> Christopher J. Wolff, VP CIO
> Broadband Laboratories
> http://www.bblabs.com
> Andrew Dorsett said:
> *jumping on my soap box*
> I have to say that the idea of requiring a degree for the IT industry is
> obsurd.  

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