

  This PC and Internet revolution was founded by men with Advanced
Degree's from Prominent Ivy League Colleges...

  Like Bill Gates...

Oh.... No, wait...


> On Wed, 22 May 2002, Leo Bicknell wrote:
> > If you ever want to become a team leader, or a manger, 


>or run a
> > theoretical group you are going to need the math and English
> > backgrounds that college provides.  

  Yeah, Einstein wouldn't have made it anywhere, without his
background in Mathematics that he got from a Prominent Ivy League...

Oh...... Shoot, did it again.


IMHO: Recruiters who need degree's to identify competence
can be replaced with a 5 dollar an hour secretary,
and a black marker pen.

"Yes, No...... Eenie Meenie Minie Moe,
the one with the most prominent degree...
is the one with which we will go...

dressed up right, in a light shirt and dark tie...
after all, we sure don't want the other kind of guy."

I mean, after all look at Vixie.. his shirt has so
much starch... and you can't get him to take his
Tie off....or unbutton his dark suit....

 Oh, Crud.... not again !


Ok.. Well, wait....

  maybe Richard Stallman..

I... er...



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