> when this situation has existed in other industries, gov't intervention
> has always resulted.  even when the scope is international.  i've not
> been able to puzzle out the reason why the world's gov'ts have not
> stepped in with some basic interconnection requirements for IP carriers.
Give example of other industry where such goverment intervention happened 
and has helped that industry? And what goverment exactly are we talking 
about - US Goverment? France Goverment? China Goverment? This is internet 
- its rules should not be based purely on decision of one single goverment. 

Perhaps an idea would be to write an advisery RFC on establishment of 
peering relationships by ISPs. While advisery does not mean everyone will 
follow, it'll allow groups within a company that are interested in more
peering (network engineers..) to backup their words by an established 
internet standard.

William Leibzon
Elan Communications Inc. 

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