> On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Sabri Berisha wrote:
> > > AMS-IX graphs seem to have a glitch, or one heck of a DDOS.
> > > http://www.ams-ix.net/hugegraph.html
> >
> > This was a power outage.
> I doubt the dip in the graph, which looks to me like about 1G missing
> between 12:00-19:00 was just from that 3 second power outage, which
> happened after 2pm I think. Perhaps it was the result of the bogus
> routes being advertised by AS1200?
> Makes you wonder, where did 25200Gb of traffic disappear to? :)

Might have been a 3 sec outage but I can tell you that AS3333 (RIPE) was
offline from where I stand and all the looking glasses and route servers I
checked for approx 15 mins.. Most routes had 3-5 flaps for AS3333 entries.
So I'm not surprised that there was a dip after this for traffic via AMS-IX
(it being RIPE or any other network via AMS-IX)


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