* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leo Bicknell) [Tue 09 Jul 2002, 16:52 CEST]:
> I'll be the first to jump on the multicast bandwagon, but I don't
> work for an eyeball provider.  The first adopters need to be DSL
> and cable modem providers, to the end user, on by default.  Then
> we can go somewhere.

And when approached they'll claim that it'll melt their infrastructure -
and they'll be right in a lot of cases.  PPPoE and multicast still
causes a traffic explosion that multicast was supposed to remove.
When I was employed by a company deploying FTTH our vendor was working
on a hack they named "multicast VLAN" to avoid a similar situation.
No idea if they ever finished it (they weren't too keen with making
deadlines, in my admittedly short-lived experience).

        -- Niels.

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