Is there a Pipeline 75 guru out there tonight that might be willing to help
me offline?  This is my first experience with the Pipeline and I am feeling
really stupid about now!

Please excuse the minor operation content, but I am stumped and really need
a hand.

I am replacing my fading (but still functional) Flowpoint 128 ISDN router
with a used Pipeline 75 that I got off eBay.  It appears to be fine.  I have
upgraded the firmware and have spent all day trying to get this @!<>**~!!
thing to  dial a call to the ISDN WAN.  Both POTS work in & out bound.

Show if stat indicates the all the WAN ports are down except 'wanidle0'
which is up.  The system options status window says dynamic bandwith
allocation is not installed and I can't fiqure out how to turn it on or
install it.  Is this my problem?

In diagnostics, bridisplay occasionally reports
 ---> parameter 1,128.1 could not be loaded"
 ---> parameter 1,128.2 could not be loaded"
but I am unable to locate any cross reference between these parameter
numbers and the associated configuration item.

Your kind assistance is greatly appreciated.

Dennis ...

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