The bill appears to be hr3482, looking at's full text links,
the only mention of 90 in there appears to be here, in section 102b.  Nice
Dragnet approach Dan.

(b) REPORTING OF DISCLOSURES- A government entity that receives a disclosure
under this section shall file, no later than 90 days after such disclosure,
a report to the Attorney General stating the subparagraph under which the
disclosure was made, the date of the disclosure, the entity to which the
disclosure was made, the number of customers or subscribers to whom the
information disclosed pertained, and the number of communications, if any,
that were disclosed. The Attorney General shall publish all such reports
into a single report to be submitted to Congress one year after enactment of
the bill.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Senie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Requirement to store email for 90 days.

> At 12:17 PM 7/22/2002, John Fraizer wrote:
> >
> >
> >"Service providers are also required to keep customer records, including
> >emails, for 90 days, under the bill."  "The bill has to go to Senate,
> >where it is expected to receive little opposition, before becoming law."
> Are you reacting to the contents of the bill (bill number?) or to the
> interpretations of a reporter?
> Could someone please cite the 90 days requirement in an actual bill? Not
> saying it's not there, but the bills I could find through Thomas don't
> to have any mention of this. I'm not calling my senators until I have
> precise citations.
> >Talk to your senators folks.  See if they're going to pay for the disk
> >arrays required to store 90 days worth of SPAM for each and every one of
> >your customers.
> >
> >I suggest that congress get the spammers under control prior to enacting
> >legislation that requires us to archive all email for 90 days.
> >
> >---
> >John Fraizer              | High-Security Datacenter Services |
> >EnterZone, Inc            | Dedicated circuits 64k - 155M OC3 |
> > | Virtual, Dedicated, Colocation    |
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Daniel Senie                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Amaranth Networks Inc.          

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