Actually RRDTool interpolates any late replys to the nearest specified
collection timepoint (e.g., every 5th minute.) It doesn't really resample.


                    Zimmerman            To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       
                    <mdz                 cc:                                           
          >        Subject:     Re: PSINet/Cogent Latency        
                    Sent by:                                                           
                    09:46 AM                                                           

On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 10:50:03PM -0700, Doug Clements wrote:

> I think the problem with using rrdtool for billing purposes as described
> is that data can (and does) get lost. If your poller is a few cycles
> the burstable bandwidth measured goes up when the poller catches up to
> interface counters. More bursting is bad for %ile (or good if you're
> selling it), and the customer won't like the fact that they're getting
> charged for artifically high measurements.

RRDtool takes into account the time at which the sample was collected, and
if it does not exactly match the expected sampling period, it is resampled
on the fly.  See:

under "Data Resampling" for more information.

RRDtool has some quirks when used for billing purposes, but it is not
of the error that you describe.

 - mdz

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