>> ...and the clue-less on the Internet is (still) less than 80%. It's more
>> like 20%. See http://mcvax.org/~jhma/routing for one example of how much
>> we  could gain if we actually aggregated...
> This was hinted at in the peering debate, but wouldn't it help the cause
> of aggregation if networks stopped requiring a large number of prefixes in
> order to establish peering?

Interesting point. But peering is a commercial relationship. Basing it on 
number of prefixes is IMO a wierd view, but yes that is done. It CAN be a 
meassurement, but hopefully people using it as an argument is clever enough 
to actually look at the routes - not just the numbers of them.

I seriously doubt that this is the real reason for the routes though.

Best regards,

- kurtis -

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