On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Brad Knowles wrote:
>       One of the lessons we were taught in our security briefings was
> that just because something was publicly discussed somewhere (e.g.,
> on a television show or in the newspaper) does not automatically make
> the information unclassified.

It works the other way too.  I've found things I write in public about
Internet outages have a habit of ending up in places you need clearence.
Someday it would be nice if I could read what I wrote.

Scroll down this page:

The NCS gets the information the same way as everyone else.  They
subscribe to NANOG.

To bring this on topic:

How would ISPs feel about officially contributing to NCS's efforts on
tracking Internet outages?  Would you be willing to subscribe the NCS
to your customer outage notification lists?

>       I personally know of classified data that has been leaked and
> published in print, and that's about all I'll say on that particular
> subject.

Last I heard, the Department of Energy library still considers the
February 1979 issue of "The Progressive" magazine classified.  You might
find it in some public libraries.

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