On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, Vinny Abello wrote:

> OK. People can stop correcting me now. :) I did catch the mistake 
> immediately after I sent the email. Now something REALLY useful in an email 
> client would be an unsend feature... I'm joking of course. I have to say 
> that before I get slammed with the technical reasons why that wouldn't work 
> for mail on the Internet which I'm already well aware. ;)

I guess that if mail sent to the nanog list wouldnt take 5-60 minutes to
get delivered to all people on the list, people would sooner see that
someone else has actually answered the email in question, and wont answer 

I remember this being discussed earlier, is there any perticular reason
why this hasnt been fixed? If nanog-l is supposed to be a list for
operational purposes, doesnt that require speedy delivery in a lot of

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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