Larry Rosenman wrote:
> I think $100/year is STEEP, if it is PER SERVER, but per
> COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL it **might** be acceptable.
> (I have 3 boxes + the laptop that do SMTP regularly).
> Ideas given this?

  Relay through your upstream (hierarchical approach)?  i.e. Register
your server(s) with your provider, who is presumably trusted (registered
with the global system).
  A bit of an aside: I recall AT&T Canada blocked all SMTP from exiting
their network (excepting their own servers, of course) a few years back
in response to a large spam.  I don't know the details -- this is from a
response to a complaint I filed.  Interesting idea, though -- you then
catch 'em when they attempt to relay through your server.  And as far as
that goes, I've seen a system that worked quite well...  Larry might be
familiar with it, as it was his.

Peter E. Fry

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