On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Barry Shein wrote:

> 4. New sheriff comes into town, scares the crap out of everyone
>    because he's so mean. Threatens to hang any citizen who takes
>    law into own hands, etc.
> 5. New sheriff cleverly thwarts criminals while citizenry cowers
>    behind closed doors and drawn curtains.
> 6. Law and order is restored, townspeople tearfully beg new sheriff
>    to stay. Sheriff sneers, rides into sunset, next time you have to
>    do it for yourselves.

Some of us came from places where the new sheriff came and stayed. And
because just scaring didn't work after some time, he proceeded to hang and
hang and hang, murdering millions just to keep the rest properly scared.

When someone gets power he's quite unlikely to part with it on his own.  
Harsher view of the reality, if you wish.  Or, rather, real life

Calling on government to come and fix problems which can conceivably be
fixed without it is a surefire way to get more sheriffs on your neck.  
HUAC[*] reading your e-mail to determine if it contains loathed
un-american terrorist-sponsoring spam. With Ashcroft being in charge of
grilling spammers. Or whomever he declared an enemy today.

Be careful with what you wish.  Your wish may be granted.


[*] House Un-American Activities Commitee.

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