Hi Simon,

with PAIX you surely get someone at PAIX do it for you, for
MAE West go to ep.net and submit a change...? I do not know
if PAIX does the reverse themselves, but for MAE West I am

It's as easy.


On Tue, 5 November 2002 20:28:06 +0000, Simon Lockhart wrote:
> On Tue Nov 05, 2002 at 01:09:06PM -0500, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 09:07:20AM +0200, Petri Helenius wrote:
> > > 
> > > Is there a "standardized" depository of information where lists of which
> > > AS´s are present in which exchange(s)? RADB does not really cut it since
> > > it only lists the participants of the interconnect, not really
> > > identifying the facility. Obviously I´m aware that most IXn list their
> > > participants on a web site but I´m looking for more machine readable
> > > data.
> > 
> > http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras/ep/
> > 
> > Stalk them via DNS... that's as close as it gets. That URL updates once an
> > hour if people want to use it, but it really needs someone to design a 
> > web interface with an updating list of "what's new".
> Of course, it'd help if IX operators kept their DNS updated. We're at
> 7 of the listed IX (aads, linx1, linx2, mae-east, mae-west, nyiix, paix-pao),
> but only 4 of them (linx1, linx2, mae-east, nyiix) have a DNS entry for us.

Alexander Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> / ako4-ripe
Network Engineer, Tiscali International Network
Robert-Bosch-Strasse 32, D-63303 Dreieich, Germany
Phone +49 6103 916 480, Fax +49 6103 916 464

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