On Fri, 08 Nov 2002 01:55:03 +0530, alok said:

> take a simple scenario
> AS-1 , AS-2 and AS-3 and as-4
> AS-2 and as-3  in the middle, as-1 and as-4 multihome on them and are on
> either side of as-2 and as-3..they dont peer with each other ...(though as-2
> and as-3 mebbe)
> as-1 advertises a  network x.y.z.w  via as-2 only.
> as-4 sees this and knows that to go back to x.y.z.w he has to go via as-2

Ahh.. but in your example, all 4 as have *SOME* route. So loose RPF would
still work.

Now let's consider this example:

AS-1 advertises to *ONLY* as-2, and as-3 filters as-2's announcement, so they
have *no* route to as-1. as-4 gets a route to as-1 via as-2. as-1 packets come
in to as-3 *anyhow* on their way to as-4, and return packets go 4-2-1.  This
still works, as long as as-3 doesn't do loose-RPF because they'll drop the
packets due to lack of a route.

Of course, if any customer of as-3 wants to actually talk to as-1, you're
going to be opening a trouble ticket.
                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Computer Systems Senior Engineer
                                Virginia Tech

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