What I'm seeing from on my personal network connections is a lot of
traffic to udp port 1434 start at 05:30:08 UTC.  The sources appear very
widespread, but I'm also seeing different affects on networks.  Some
backbones are being hit extremely hard, while others are just moderately
impacted.  I haven't figured out if it is a customer base difference, or
if the worm is targetting.  I haven't been willing to sacrafice one of my
personal computers to the cause, so I don't know what's in the payload.

According to Matrix Systems, there was about a 10% drop over the next
30 minutes. Keynote's data shows several backbones impacted.  BGP and DNS
appear to be holding up more or less, but g.root-servers.net has left the
building (may be self-inflected withdrawal).  Cable & Wireless's
sla.cw.net show no impact on their network.  UUNET's network status web
site says Normal.  Earthlink's network status web site shows various
maintenance activity.  SBC's network status web site says dial and dsl is
Impaired.  I can't reach www.sprint.net.  AT&T's network status is
unavailable while service enhancement is being performed.

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