On Sat, 25 Jan 2003, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Jan 2003, Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:
> > > Somebody remind me why Microsoft is still allowed to exist?
> >
> > Dunno, arent they negligent?
> >
> > In any other industry a fundemental flaw would be met with lawsuits, in the
> > computer world tho people seem to get around for some reason.
> Including the developers of SSHD, HTTPD, NAMED, CVS?
> How about Linus? Wanna call him up?

Not sure you can claim something you have for free is liable or with guarantee

> I am no windows cheerleader, but to think this is something that happens
> only in windows-land is whack -- might as well put your head in the sand.

True altho it does appear to affect MS more so than it ought to even considering
their market lead.

> Simple philosophy: Everything sucks at all times and all places. Routers,
> switches, hosts, OS's. We, as operators, have to do our best to deal.

I expect my purchases to live up to their sales description

> It's arguable you are as liable as anyone else, since this particular
> exploit is 'old news' and a patch has been available for it for some time.

I'm not hit, its my customers!

> Also; everyone who just posted to this list made it abundantly clear that
> they don't have a firewall in front of at least one MS SQL server on their
> network. Should you really have port 1433/4 open to the world? Would you
> do this with a MySql server?

Yes, thats bad.. people should be more clueful than they are, I blame folks
being cheap, having staff who are clueless, low quality equipment, this is the
market we're in. 


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