On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 15:37, Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:
> > I don't think it will ever truly go away..  there are lots of "older"
> > routers that won't be able to support the newer code, albeit small
> > routers like the 2500's, but they'll exist..
> Yes I have some old routers (2500s) for which no code exists which is patched 
> and small enough to sit in the flash/memory... acl acl !

And given the low processing power of those routers, acl's hurt ... :(

> Steve
Jason H. Frisvold
Backbone Engineering Supervisor
Penteledata Engineering
RedHat Engineer - RHCE # 807302349405893
Cisco Certified - CCNA # CSCO10151622
MySQL Core Certified - ID# 205982910
"Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles
the world."
      -- Albert Einstein [1879-1955]

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