On Sun, 27 Jul 2003, JC Dill wrote:

> At 07:21 AM 7/27/2003, David Lesher wrote:
> >Strip <http://www.zetetic.net/index.html> is your helper here.
> I have strip.  Unfortunately, I don't always have my Palm at hand when I
> want to login to my bank, and I didn't have it at hand the *last* time,
> when I had to change the password, so the new password didn't get entered
> into strip.  But that's beside the point, using strip on a pda (to help
> remember passwords) is a solution that only works for some people, in some
> circumstances.  It would be much better to have a policy that just WORKED.

or a 10 dollar key fob that always had a code you could combine with your
'pin' for a password... why is a solution like RSA/ACE so difficult for
people to accept on a wide scale?

Afterall, banks charge you for checks, why not for the FOB, and make you
purchase the replacement when you lose it?


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