--On Wednesday, September 3, 2003 3:11 PM -0400 Johannes Ullrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Some businesses have create an entire industry of outsourcing Exchange
service which need all their customers to be able to use those ports.

So should everyone else be required to keep their doors open so they can offer the service? Who is wrong/right? Millions of vulnerable users that need some basic protection now, or a few businesses?

Sorry... "Millions of vulnerable users" are only vulnerable because those
users chose to run vulnerable systems.  They have the responsibility to
do what is necessary to correct the vulnerabilities in the systems they
chose to run.  I am really tired of the attitude that the rest of the
world should bear the consequences of Micr0$0ft's incompetence/arrogance.
The people who are Micr0$0ft customers should have responsibility to resolve
these issues with Micr0$0ft.  It is nice of ISPs to help when they do.

This is akin to driving a pinto, knowing that it's a bomb, and expecting
your local DOT to build explosion-proof freeways.


-- -------------------------------------------------------------- Johannes Ullrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] pgp key: http://johannes.homepc.org/PGPKEYS -------------------------------------------------------------- "We regret to inform you that we do not enable any of the security functions within the routers that we install." [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------------------------------------------------------------

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