> The average user will say "OOH! SHINY!! [clicky-click]" when offered content
> promising either dancing hampsters or pop stars wearing less clothing than
> appropriate. Any security model that doesn't allow for this is doomed to
> failure.
Yep.  I've already told the story about my niece a few months back -- 
right before my eyes.

The solution that's worked so far, keeping her machine clean for months: 
Norton AV can detect every attempt to write to an executable, and it 
turns off the Windows screen, takes over the display, flashes a big 
warning screen, and asks whether it should continue.  That causes the 
startled niece to go running to momma to call uncle.

Whatever we use has to be flashier than dancing hamsters....

Of course, anything that happens too often will just get the OK option 
selected anyway.
William Allen Simpson
    Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32

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